Finance is a Recession-Proof Career Option


The recent pandemic may have apparently impacted a large number of industries, apart from government jobs and services, and maybe the health and essential services. However, one industry that has hardly been impacted in recent years seems to be the Financial Services industry. This means that B Com graduates from the best university in UP have nothing to worry about in terms of future employability especially in the finance industry. The jobs that can be gained in this sector are bound to provide success to graduates of commerce.

Financial Analysis

One of the most important jobs in any company is keeping track of and managing the financial aspects of the business. Studying at the best b com honours college in UP is bound to help you gain the skills necessary to be valuable to companies that are looking for talented commerce graduates for their finance departments. Though the markets are only slowly recovering from the pandemic lockdown, the employment opportunities in accounts and finance are evergreen with nearly ninety percent of employees still being retained in their jobs even in the recent difficult times of Covid-19 lockdown.

An interesting observation to be made is that a lot of commercial activity has actually shifted to the digital arena, including not just commercial transactions but also daily processes. This means that young graduates from the best b com honours college in UP should also hone the technology aspect of financial activity to enable them to remain competitive in the job market once they graduate. There are many aspects of financial accounting that commerce graduates from the best university in UP can become experts in.

Jobs after BCom

Some of the most popular jobs after B. Com are those that relate to finance and accounting. Among these are profiles such as market analyst, financial analyst, and business analyst. These are well-paying jobs that can fetch starting salaries in the range of 2 to 3 lakh per annum at the lower end, and can be more than 5 lakh per annum for candidates who excel in a particular area of employability. B Com is thus a recommended course for young people considering graduation.


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